Department of Humanities and Social Sciences

Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Suresh Babu M


Areas of Research Interest
Applied Macroeconomics
Industrial Economics
Trade and Development

Office Location
Room no – HSB 349
E-mail : sureshbabum[at]iitm[.]ac[.]in
Phone :+91 (44) 2257 4527

  • Assistant Professor, Dept. of Humanities, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai, Jan 2006 – .
  • Research Associate at the Centre for Development Studies, Trivandrum, Kerala, India 2001-2004.
  • Member WTO Forum on non-agricultural sector, Government of Kerala. 2003
  • Taught Macroeconomics at the Institute for Social and Economic Change, Bangalore, 2002.
  • Worked as lecturer at the Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics Pune, India 2001.
  • Consultant for the Asian Development Bank for identifying “Growth Potentials in Kerala’s Industrial Sector” 2000.
  • Taught a course on “Industrial Structure and Competitive Strategy” at the Indian Institute of Management, Kozhikode, 1999.
  • ‘Local Consultant’ for the World Bank for the preparation of the Country Economic Memorandum 1996.
  • Forthcoming book titled “What and How do Indian Firms Innovate? jointly with K K Subrahmanian to be published by Macmillan.
  • Loosing Out in a Growing Economy: Labour in Orgamised Manufacturing Sector in the era of Globalisation, Indian Journal of Labour Economics, Vol.52 No.2 2009
  • Acquiring Knowledge for Innovations: Gleanings from an Innovation Survey in Indian Industry, International Journal of Technological Learning, Innovation and Development (forthcoming)
  • Do Industrial Policy Reforms Reduce Entry Barriers? Evidence from Indian Manufacturing Industries, Journal of Economic Policy Reform, Vol. 11,4, December 2008
  • Are FIIs Drivers of Indian Stock Markets? International Journal of Trade and Global Markets Vol 1, No.3, 2008
  • Fiscal Sustainability of Tamil Nadu, Economic and Political Weekly March 15 2008
  • Economic Reforms and Regional Manufacturing Performance: Evidence from India, European Workshop on Productivity and Efficiency Measurement, Pisa, Italy, Aug.2009
  • Loosing Out in a Growing Economy: Labour in Orgamised Manufacturing Sector in the era of Globalisation, Golden Jubilee Conference of the Indian Society of Labour Economics, Lucknow, Dec.2008
  • Human Development and Growth, Invited Lecture at the Conference on Human Development organized by the Tamil Nadu State planning Board and Madras Christian College, Jan.2008.
  • Acquiring Knowledge for Innovations: Gleanings from an Innovation Survey in Indian Industry, Max Planck- IISc Annual Conference, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, Oct. 2007.
  • Economic Reforms and India’s industrial Sector, Special Lecture-Artha Madras Christian College, Sept.2007
  • Market Power and Collusion set of lectures, Madras School of Economics, Sept.2007
  • Economic Growth in India: an Overview of Issues, Madras Institute of Development Studies, Chennai Jan 2007.
  • “Economic Reforms and Entry Barriers in Indian Manufacturing”, 23rd European Industrial Economics Society Conference, Bilbao, Spain Sept.5-7, 2005.
  • Monitoring Sarva Siksha Abhayan in Tamil Nadu, funded by MHRDGovernment of India, 2009.
  • Productivity and Efficiency of Manufacturing Enterprises in the Unorganized Sector, ICSSR,
  • Micro and Small Enterprises and Innovation: Issues and Challenges funded by the Government of India,
  • Trade Liberalization and Employment: Evidence from Indian Industry
  • Economic Reforms, Industrial Structure
  • Interview with Prof. Jagdish Bhagwati, Financial Express, Aug. 2009
  • Current Inflation in India, Financial Express, March 2008.
  • Monetary Policy and the RBI, Financial Express, October 2007.
  • Restrictive Trade Practices in Cricket, Financial Express, August 2007
  • Exchange rates and Exports, Financial Express, June 2007
  • ‘Poverty data in India’, Financial Express, March 2007.
  • ‘Special Economic Zones in India: Some Myths and Reality’ IIT Madras, March 2007.
  • ‘Understanding the Union Budget’, Frost and Sullivan, Chennai, March 2006.
  • ‘Monetary Policy: An Introduction’, Tata Consultancy Services Chennai, Nov 2005.
  • ‘The Role of Central Bank’, Tata Consultancy Services Bangalore, Sept. 2005.
  • One PhD dissertation on aspects of globalization and inflation in India.
  • Two M.Phil dissertations in the area of international trade and industrial performance.
  • Three PhD students currently working in the areas of States’ Finances, Trade in Services and Corporate Governance