Department of Humanities and Social Sciences

Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Muraleedharan VR

Emeritus Professor

  • Healthcare economics
  • History of Healthcare in India, and
  • Technology and Health Policy
  • Professor (since Dec. 2000)
  • Class of 1984 Institute Chair Professor
  • Professor in-charge, Centre for Technology and Policy, IIT (M)
  • Head, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Nov. 2004 – Feb.2011.
  • Head, Centre for Sustainable Development, IIT Madras, 2002-04.
  • Coordinator, Development Studies Group, IIT Madras, 2002 –2006.
  • Professor in Charge, Lemelson-Recognition and Mentoring Programme, 2004-06.

Courses taught at MA and B.Tech. level

  • Principles of Economics
  • Environmental and Resource Economics
  • Technology and Sustainable Development
  • Survey Methods and Report Writing
  • History of Economics
  • Economics of Health Care
  • International Trade and Finance
  • International Economics
  • Technology and Public Policy

Courses taught at the doctoral level

  • Health Care Financing
  • Health Policy and Planning in Developing Countries
  • Economic Evaluation of Health Care Programmes
  • Technology and Colonialism
  • Economic Change in Modern India
  • Environmental Ethics
  • Carried out research studies for the State Govt of Tamil Nadu, Chattisgarh, Govt. of India, Health and Family Welfare Dept., USAID (Delhi), DFID (UK), WHO (Delhi), Rockefeller Foundation (New York), and Wellcome Trust (UK).
  • Bennett S, Mills A and Russell S with Attanayake N, Hongoro C, Muraleedharan VR, and Smithson P. The challenge of health sector reform: what should governments do? (Macmillan Press, London, 2001).
  • Muraleedharan VR, “Rural health care in Madras Presidency: 1919-39”, Indian Economic Social History Review. 1987; 24: 323-334.
  • Muraleedharan VR, “Professionalising Medical Practice in Colonial South India”, Economic and Political Weekly, Vol 27 (4) 1992.
  • Muraleedharan VR, Veeraraghavan D. “Anti-malarial policy in the Madras Presidency: an overview of the early decades of the twentieth century” Medical History 1992;36 (3):290-305.
  • Muraleedharan VR “When is access to health care equal?” Economic and Political weekly, Vol 28 (Jan 1993).
  • Muraleedharan VR, “Diet, Disease and Death in Colonial South India”, Economic and Political Weekly Vol 29 (1) 1994.
  • V Sudhir, VR Muraleedharan and G Srinivasan “Integrated Solid Waste Management in Urban India: a critical operational framework” Socio-Economic Planning Sciences Vol 30 (3) 1996.
  • V Sudhir, VR Muraleedharan and G Srinivasan Planning for sustainable solid waste management in urban India, Systems Dynamic Review, Vol 13(3) 1998.
  • Muraleedharan V R “Technology and Costs of Medical Care: some emerging issues in India” in Barbra Harriss-White and S Subramanian (eds.) Ill-fare in India: essays on social sector in honor of S.Guhan (Sage University, New Delhi, 1999).
  • Muraleedharan V R and Sara Bennett, “New Public Management and health care in the third world”, Economic and Political Weekly, vol. 35 no.1&2, Jan 8-14, 2000.
  • Muraleedharan V R “Quinine and the incurable malaria: India in 1930s” Parassitologia, 42 (1-2) June 2000).
  • Muraleedharan, VR “Cinchona Policy in British India: the critical early years”, in Amiya K Bagchi and Krishna Soman (eds) Maladies, Preventives and Curatives: Debates in Public Health in India (Tulika Books, 2005).
  • Muraleedharan, V R, Stephen Jan and Ram Prasad “The human organ trade in Tamil Nadu: a case of regulatory failure” Health Economics, Policy and Law Vol 1 No 1 (2006).
  • Grace. A Chitra, V.R. Muraleedharan,. Swaminathan & D. Veeraraghavan. “Use of pesticides & its impact on human health: a case of farmers in South India” 2006. International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health, April 2006.
  • Umakant Dash, SD Vaishanvi, VR Muraleedharan and Debashsis Acharya, “Benchmarking the performance of public hospitals in Tamil Nadu: an application of data envelopment analysis”, Jl of Health Management, 9 (1) 2007.
  • Nalin Kumar C and Muraleedharan VR “Sanitary and Phytosanitary Regulations and Competitiveness: an analysis of Indian spice exports” South Asia Economic Journal Vol 8 (2) 2007.
  • Nalin Kumar and VR Muraleedharan, “International market access and Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) regulations: an analysis of trade and competitiveness effects”, International Jl of Applied Business and Economics Research, 5(1) 2007.
  • Umakant Dash, VR Muraleedharan and SD Vaishnavi, “Technical efficiency in the use of health care resources: a case study of Tamil Nadu” Indian Economic Review, vol 43 (1) 2008.
  • Muraleedharan VR, Sonia Andrews, Bhuvaneswari R and Stephan Jan, “Private Public Participation in the Control of Tuberculosis in Tamil Nadu and Kerala”, in KV Ramani, Dileep Mavalankar and Dipti Govil (eds). Strategic Issues and Challenges in Health Management, (Sage Publications, and IIM A, New Delhi, 2008).
  • David H Peters and VR Muraleedharan, “Regulating India’s Health Services: To what end? and To what future” Social Science and Medicine (Special Issue on Future of Health Services), March/April 2008.
  • Umakant Dash, SD Vaishnavi and VR Muraleedharan “Technical Efficiency and Scale Efficiency of District Hospitals: A Case Study”, Journal of Health Management, 12, 3 (2010): 231-248.
  • John P, VR Muraleedharan, T J Kamalanabhan and RD Thulsiraj, “Measuring determinants of employee satisfaction in an Eye Hospital: a study in India”, International Journal of Enterprise Network Management 4(3), 2011.
  • K. Ganesh, S. Ganesh, T.T. Narendran, V.R. Muraleedharan “Drug inventory management at public healthcare institutions – a case study” Int. J. of Logistics Economics and Globalisation, 3 (2/3) 2011.
  • Muraleedharan VR, Umakant Dash and Lucy Gilson, “The Success Story of Tamil Nadu: 1970s-2005”, in Dina Balabanova, Martin McKee and Anne Mills (2011), Good Health at Low Cost, 25 Years On: What makes a successful health system? (London, 2011).
  • S Rajasulochana, Umakant Dash and VR Muraleedharan, “Technical Efficiency and Scale Efficiency of Comprehensive Emergency Obstetric and New Born Care Centres in Tamil Nadu”, Artha Vijnana, LIII (4) Dec.2011.
  • Balabanova, Dina et al (co-authored by Muraleedharan), “Good health at low cost 25 years on: lessons for the future of health systems strengthening”, The Lancet (April 8, 2013).
  • Monica Das Gupta and V R Muraleedharan, “Universal Health Coverage: Reform of the Government System Better than Quality Insurance”, Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. XLIX, No.35 (August 30, 2014). [Invited Commentary]
  • Sundararaman T et al (co-authored by Muraleedharan), “Measuring Progress towards Universal Health Coverage: an approach in the Indian context”, Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. XLIX, No.47 (Nov.22, 2014) (Classified as Special Article).
  • Sundararaman T and V R Muraleedharan., “Falling Sick, Paying the Price: NSS 71st Round on Morbidity and Cost of Healthcare”, Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. L (No.33), August 15, 2015
  • Sundararaman T, V R Muraleedharan, and Indranil Mukhopadhyay, “NSSO 71st Round on Data on Health and Beyond: Questioning Frameworks of Analysis”, Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. LI (No.3)., January 2016.
  • Sundararaman T., Indranil Mukhopadhyay, V R Muraleedharan, “No Respite for Public Health”, Economic and Political Weekly, Vol.LI (16), April 2016.
  • Rajasulochana, S., Eric Nyarko, Umakant Dash, and V R Muraleedharan., “Expectant Mother’s Preferences for Services in Public Hospitals of Tamil Nadu, India”., Jl of Health Management, vol. 18 (2), June 2016.
  • Muraleedharan VR, and Umakant Dash, Chapter 5 on “Health”, in Tamil Nadu Human Development Report (published by the Planning Commission of TN, 2017, Sage Pub.)
  • Gaitonde, R., Miguel S Sebastian., V R Muraleedharan, and Anna-Karin Hurtig., “Community action for health in India national rural health mission: One policy, many paths”, Social Science and Medicine, 188 (2017)
  • T.N Srinivasan, V R Muraleedharan and Bhanu Pratap, “Morbidity in India since 1944”, Indian Economic Review, October 2017.
  • Rakhal Gaitonde, V. R. Muraleedharan, Miguel San Sebastian and Anna-Karin Hurtig, “Accountability in the health system of Tamil Nadu, India: exploring its multiple meanings”, Health Research Policy and Systems, 17:44 (2019)
  • Mohan VN, et al (co-authored by Muraleedharan). Economic and Societal Impact of a Systems-of-Care Approach for STEMI Management in Low and Middle-Income Countries: Insights from the TN STEMI Program. Annals of Global Health. 2019; 85(1): 122, 1–5.
  • Mary E,  Muraleedharan  VR,  Jayapal  SK,  Dash U, Rajesh M. “Job Intentions of Nurses Trained in Public and Private Institutions in Tamil Nadu, India: A Cross-Sectional Study”, Indian Journal of Nursing Sciences 2019;4(3):66-7
  • Prinja S, Chauhan AS, Bahuguna P, Selvaraj S, Muraleedharan VR, Sundararaman T. Cost of Delivering Secondary Healthcare Through the Public Sector in India. Pharmacoeconomics (Open) 2019 (Aug 29).
  • Prinja S, Muraleedharan VR, Sundararaman T. Cost Effectiveness Threshold and Health Opportunity Cost: Building an Investment Case for Universal Health Coverage in India. Economic and Political Weekly. January 11, 2020. LV; 2: 19-23.
  • Alok Ranjan and V R Muraleedharan, “Higher Disease Burden in India’s Elderly”, Economic and Political Weekly, 29 August 2020.
  • V R Muraleedharan, Sundararaman T, Girija Vaidyanathan et al., (2020), “How prudent is it to invest further in public healthcare facilities? What do evidence from 2014 survey (NSSO 71st Round), and 2017-18 survey (NSSO 75th Round) suggest?”, Economic and Political Weekly, 12 September 2020, vol 55 (37); pp53-60
  • Alok Ranjan and V R Muraleedharan (2020), “Equity and Elderly Health in India: Reflections from the 75th Round National Sample Survey 2017-18, amidst Covid-19 Pandemic”, Globalisation and Health (BMC series), 2020, 16(1).
  • Sundararaman T, V R Muraleedharan and Alok Ranjan  (December 2020)“Pandemic resilience and health systems preparedness: lessons from COVID-19 for the twenty-first century”, “Jl of Social and Economic Development”.
  • Prinja S, Yashika Chugh, Kavitha Rajasekar and V.R.Muraleedharan (2021), “National Methodological Guidelines to Conduct Budget Impact Analysis for Health Technology Assessment in India”, Applied Health Economics and Health Policy (Online June 29, 2021).
  • (Co-authored), “Rising catastrophic expenditure on Households Due to Tuberculosis: Is India Moving Away from the End-TB Goal?”, Frontiers in Public Health, vol 9 (Feb 2021).
  • CV Irshad, Dash U and VR Muraleedharan (July 2021), “Healthy Ageing in India; A Quantile Regression Approach”, Journal of Population Ageing.
  • Shirisha, P., Muraleedharan, V.R., Vaidyanathan, G. Wealth related inequality in women and children malnutrition in the state of Chhattisgarh and Tamil Nadu (2022) BMC Nutrition, 8 (1), art. no. 86
  • Muraleedharan, V.R., Vaidyanathan, G., Thiagarajan, S., Dash, U., Rajesh, M., Ranjan, A. Better to Reflect Than Shoot the Messenger Learnings from NSS, 2017-18 (2022) Economic and Political Weekly, 57 (30), pp. 68-71.
  • Mokashi, T., Panigrahi, S., Raman, A.V., Muraleedharan, V.R., Chokshi, M. Priority Setting for Collaborative Health Systems Research in India: A Method and the Way Forward (2022) Journal of Health Management, 24 (1), pp. 14-21.
  • Shirisha, P., Vaidyanathan, G., Muraleedharan, V.R. Are the Poor Catching Up with the Rich in Utilising Reproductive, Maternal, New Born and Child Health Services: An Application of Delivery Channels Framework in Indian Context (2022) Journal of Health Management, 24 (1), pp. 87-104.
  • Irshad, C.V., Muraleedharan, V.R., Dash, U. Stakeholders’ Perspective on Working Towards a Healthy Ageing Society: Evidence from a Rapidly Ageing Context (2022) Journal of Population Ageing, .
  • Irshad, C.V., Dash, U., Muraleedharan, V.R. Healthy Ageing in Low and Middle-Income Countries; A Systematic Scoping Review (2022) Journal of Health Management, .
  • Chugh, Y., Bahuguna, P., Sohail, A., Rajsekar, K., Muraleedharan, V.R., Prinja, S. Development of a Health Technology Assessment Quality Appraisal Checklist (HTA-QAC) for India (2022) Applied Health Economics and Health Policy, .
  • Muthu Singaram, Muraleedhran VR& Sivaprakasam, M. (2022). Cross fertilisation of Public Health and Translational Research. Journal of the Indian Institute of Science
  • Muthuramalingam M.R., and V R Muraleedharan, “Patterns in the prevalence and wealth-based inequality of cervical cancer screening in India”, BMC Women’s Health,(2023) 23:337.
  • Irshad, C.V., Dash, U., Muraleedharan, V.R. “Healthy Ageing in Low and Middle-Income Countries; A Systematic Scoping Review” (June 2023) Journal of Health Management.
  • Neethi Mohan, V., Shirisha, P., Vaidyanathan, G. and Muraleedharan VR . “Variations in the prevalence of caesarean section deliveries in India between 2016 and 2021 – an analysis of Tamil Nadu and Chhattisgarh”. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth 23, 622 (2023).
  • Rekha S, Shirisha P, V R Muraleedharan, Girija Vaidyanathan, Umakanat Dash, “Wealth Inequalities in Nutritional Status among Tribal Under-5 Children in India: A Temporal Trend Analysis Using NFHS data of Jharkhand and Odisha States – 2006-21″, Dialogues in Health, 2023. Volume 2.
  • Shankar Prinja, V. R. Muraleedhran, Girija Vaidyanathan, “Financing Primary Health Care: Fiscal Federal Relations in India”, IIC Quarterly (June 2023), Special issue edited by Prof Srinath Reddy.
  • Akashdeep Singh Chauhan, Shankar Prinja, Sakthivel Selvaraj, Aditi Gupta, V.R.Muraleedharan and Thiagarajan Sundararaman, “Cost of delivering Primary Health Care Services through Public Sector in India” Indian Journal of Medical Research (accepted for publication).
  • Muthu Singaram, Muraleedhran VR & Sivaprakasam, M. (2023).Translational research in health care: A qualitative analysis of 24 case studies in India. Journal of Health Management (accepted for publication)
  • Rekha S, Varshini Neethi Mohan, Girija Vaidyanathan, Umakant Dash and V. R. Muraleedharan. “Wealth and education-related inequalities in the utilisation of reproductive, maternal, newborn, and child health interventions within scheduled tribes in India: an analysis of Odisha and Jharkhand”., BMC Public Health, (2024), 24:1605 
  • Prinja S, Sharma A, Goyal A, Muraleedharan VR. “Does public spending reflect the need for health?: A cross-sectional analysis at district level in India”. Indian J Public Health 2024;68:44-49
  • Muraleedharan, VR “Private Hospital Sector in Madras City: Some Preliminary Observations” (Takemi Fellow Working Paper, Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, Harvard University, 1996).
  • Muraleedharan VR “Competition and Costs of Medical Care” (Takemi Fellow Working Paper, Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, Harvard University, 1996).
  • Muraleedharan, V R and Sara Bennett, “Role of government in adjusting economies: a case study of reforms in Tamil Nadu health sector” (Research monograph, Health Economics and Financing Program, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London, 1998).
  • Muraleeedharan V R “Characteristics and Structure of Private Hospital Sector in Urban India: A Study of Madras City” (Small Applied Area Research 5, Partnership in Health Reform, Abt Associate Inc. Bethesda, MD, and USAID, March 1999).
  • Muraleedharan V R “Availability, and Distribution of Medical, Dental, Nursing and Pharmaceutical Professionals in Tamil Nadu: a preliminary assessment (Phase I)” (research report submitted to The Tamil Nadu Dr. M.G.R.Medical University, May 1999).
  • Muraleedharan V R “Private-public partnership in Health Sector in Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Kerala”, submitted to the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (GOI) and World Bank, May 2000.
  • Muraleedharan V R “Public Healthcare System in Tamil Nadu: A critical overview of its strengths and weaknesses”, background paper prepared for the Commission on Macroeconomics and Health-India Project, ICRIER, New Delhi, April 2001.
  • Muraleedharan V R “Tamil Nadu’s Health Sector: a review of its achievements and challenges” (Submitted to Union Planning Commission, New Delhi, July 2002).
  • Muraleedharan V R, C.Sambu Prasad, G. Swaminathan, A Kavitha, G Koteswara Rao and D.Veeraraghavana, “Citizen Action, Water Pollution and Public Health: an analysis of administrative and implementation dimensions” (Submitted to Water Resources Organisation, Chennai, September 2002).
  • Muraleedharan V R, Preeti Kudesia and Maj-Lis Vass “Public-Private Cooperation for Health in India: A Framework for Dialogue” (International Health Summit, November 2002).
  • Girija Sankaranarayanan and V R Muraleedharan, HIV/AIDS, Youth and NGOs in Tamil Nadu: An Overview”, (Submitted to UNAIDS, Geneva, February 2003).
  • Muraleedharan VR. Private Health Care Sector in India–Policy Challenges and Options for Partnership. In: Yazbeck A, Peters D, editors. Health Policy Research in South Asia: Building Capacity for Reform. Washington, D.C.: The World Bank, 2003. pp. 229-55.
  • Muraleedharan V R and Ram Prasad “Regulation of Healthcare sector in Tamil Nadu: the case of Consumer Protection Act 1986, and Human Organ Transplantation Act 1994” (September 2003).
  • Muraleedharan V R “Informal healthcare providers in Tamil Nadu: A preliminary study of their characteristics and potential for participation in public health system” (Submitted to DANIDA, Chennai, November 2003).
  • Muraleedharan, V R, Sonia Andrew, Bhuvaneswari R and Stephen Jan “Role of Non-Governmental Organisations and Private Providers in the Revised National Tuberculosis Control Programme: a study on the implementation of private-public strategy in Tamil Nadu and Kerala (India)” (Submitted to the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London, April 2005).
  • BM Prasad and VR Muraleedharan, “Community health workers: a review of concepts, practice and policy concerns” (Working Paper, Consortium of Research on Equity in Health Systems, London, March 2008).
  • Umakant Dash, Debashis Acharya, V R Muraleedharan, Girija Vaidyanathan, “An Analysis of Efficiency of District Public Health Care System in Tamil Nadu and Orissa” (Submitted to the World Bank, New Delhi, April 2008).
  • Umakant Dash, V. R. Muraleedharan, B. M. Prasad, D. Acharya, S. Dash, S. Lakshminarasimhan, “Access to health services in under privileged areas, A case study of Mobile Health Units in Tamil Nadu and Orissa”, (Submitted to DFID, UK, and Consortium of Research in Equity in Health Systems, London, October 2008).
  • VR Muraleedharan “Malaria and the Rockefeller Foundation in South India: 1936-41” (Upendranath Brahmachari memorial lecture at Burdwan University, December 2008).
  • Debashis Acharya, Girija Vaidyanathan, VR Muraleedharan, Upandand Pani, Umakant Dash and Vaishnavi SD, Do the Poor Benefit from Public Spending on Healthcare in India: Results from Benefit Incidence Analysis in Tamilnadu and Orissa (Submitted to DFID, UK, July 2009).
  • Umakant Dash and VR Muraleedharan, How Equitable is Employees’ State Insurance Scheme in India?: A Case Study of Tamil Nadu (submitted to DFID, UK, September 2009).
  • Muraleedharan VR, et al, Private-Public Partnership in Health Sector: Opportunities and Challenges (submitted to USAID India, November 2011).
  • WHO-MoHFW-CTaP, “Report of the National Consultations on Improving Access and Promoting Innovation in Times of Universal Health Coverage” (This report is an outcome of the National consultation organized by CTaP, at IITM RP, during August 9-11, 2014)
  • HISP-CTaP, “Proceedings of an International Seminar on Building Communities of Practice to Strengthen Capacities Around Public Health Information System”, (HISP-CTaP, IITM, Chennai, Dec. 2014)
  • Aparna A, Manjari S, VR Muraleedharan and G Venkatesh, “An Exploratory Study of Mobile Health [mHealth] Technology in the Southern States of India” (CTaP, IITM, 2014)
  • Vaishali SV and VR Muraleedharan, “a study of the solar home system scheme in Tamil Nadu using a cost-benefit analytic framework” (CTaP, IITM., May 2015)
  • Anup K., et al (co-authored by VR Muraleedharan), “Key Indicators of Morbidity, Utilization and Health Expenditure – Tamil Nadu” (Monograph Prepared by PHFI, IITM and SHReAs, Chennai, Sept. 2016)
  • Elsa Mary Samuel, VR Muraleedharan, Sathis Kumar, Umakant Dash, Rajesh M., “A longitudinal study of the job choices of privately and publicly trained nurses in Tamil Nadu” (RESYST Working Paper, LSHTM, London, 2016 India)
  • Rakhal Gaitonde and VR Muraleedharan, “Economic Evaluation of Public Health Interventions: Some reflections in the context of prioritizing vaccines in India”., MFC Bulletin, vol. 371-272 (June-Nov. 2016).
  • Anup K., et al (co-authored by V R Muraleedharan), Process of Evaluation of Chief Minister’s Comprehensive Health Insurance Scheme” (Monograph Prepared by PHFI, IITM, SHReAs, Chennai, June 2017)
  • Indranil M., et al (co-authored by V R Muraleedharan), State Health Accounts, 2013-14, Tamil Nadu” (Technical Report Prepared by PHFI, IITM, SHReAs, TNHSP, June 2017)
  • Muraleedharan V R, Umakant Dash, Vaishnavi S D, (2018), “Universal Health Coverage – Pilot in Tamil Nadu: Has it delivered what was expected?”, (Centre for Technology and Policy, IIT Madras, Chennai.
  • Muraleedharan, V R., et al, “Accessing Ayushman Bharat- Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (PM-JAY): A case study of three states (Bihar, Haryana and Tamil Nadu), (submitted to National Health Authority, GoI, 2019)
  • Muraleedharan, et al., Health Status and Access to Healthcare in Tamil Nadu: a comparison of 75th Round (2017-18) with 71st Round (2014) of National Sample Surveys (Centre for Technology and Policy, IIT Madras, February 2020).
  • Muraleedharan V.R., et al., Health Status and Access to Healthcare in Kerala: a comparison of 75th Round (2017-18) with 71st Round (2014) of National Sample Surveys (Centre for Technology and Policy, IIT Madras, February 2020).
  • Muraleedharan V.R., et al., Health Status and Access to Healthcare in Haryana: a comparison of 75th Round (2017-18) with 71st Round (2014) of National Sample Surveys (Centre for Technology and Policy, IIT Madras, February 2020).
  • Shankar Prinja and V R Muraleedharan,  “How effective has the Central Government been in nudging the states for financing Primary Health Care? An analysis of fiscal federal relations in India (Lancet Global Health Commission for Financing for People-Centred Primary Health Care, London, Working Paper 8, London, November 2021).
  • Muraleedharan V R., Rajesh M and Babu R., “Evaluation of UHC-Health Wellness Centres in Cuddalore and Virudhunagar Districts”, Commissioned Study by the Dept of Health and Family Welfare, Govt of Tamil Nadu (Centre for Technology and Policy, IIT Madras 2022).
  • Served as a Member of the Mission Steering Group of the National Rural Health Mission (Govt. of India), 2008-13. This is the highest decision making body (equivalent to Cabinet Committee) governing the implementation of NRHM.
  • Served as a Member of Ethics Committee of National Institute for Research in Tuberculosis (Chennai), and was a member of a National Course on Bio-ethics (ethics-economics module) supported by the Indian Council of Medical Research;
  • Engaged with the National Health Mission, TN state, in concurrent assessment of implementation of Universal Health Care in Tamil Nadu (2015-19)
  • Member, Technical Advisory Group, Health Technology Assessment in India (HTAIn), Department of Health Research (Govt of India) (2017-)
  • Coordinator, Operational Research Programme, Tamil Nadu Health Sector Reform Programme (TNHSRP) (2020 – )
  • Member, Working Group on “Vaccine Cost-Effectiveness Analysis” of the National Technical Advisory Group on Immunization in India (NTAGI), GoI (2020 – )
  • Rockefeller Foundation Research Fellowship in History of Malaria, Rockefeller Archive Center (New York) May-June 1999.
  • Wellcome Trust Fellow in the History of Medicine: December 1998
  • South Asia Visiting Scholar, Center for International Development, Queen Elizabeth House, University of Oxford, May-July 2000.