Department of Humanities and Social Sciences

Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Research Publication

  • Prasad V, Thampi BV(2024, forthcoming), Consolidating Feminist Collectivities: Gleaning from Survivors Response, Economic and Political Weekly. (accepted for publication)
  • Utsav, Patra Suresh Kumar, and Naik Pramod Kumar (2024) “Assessing Macroeconomic Influence on Indian Sovereign Bond Yields: An Insight from ARDL Bound Test Approach”. Accepted for Publication in Gospodarka Narodowa. The Polish Journal of Economics (GNPJE), indexed in ESCI.
  • Yadav, Yamini and Naik, Pramod Kumar (2024). “Investors’ Irrational Sentiment and Stock Market Returns: A Quantile Regression Approach using Indian Data”  Business Perspective and Research, 12(1): 45-64. Listed in ABDC, Indexed in Scopus.
  • Sarthak Basu, Subash S. (2024) Productivity, investment slowdown, and misallocation: evidence from Indian manufacturing. Journal of Productivity Analysis
  • Ketan Reddy and Subash S. (2024) Trade Facilitation and Global Value Chain Participation: Cross-country Analysis, Foreign Trade Review
  • Ketan Reddy,  Subash S., Radeef Chundakkadan (2024) Firm automation and global value-chain participation: cross-country analysis , Applied Economics.
  • Nongbri,R and Mandal,S.K., 2024.”An assessment of multidimensional water poverty in India: An application of Alkire–Foster dual cut‑off approach”.  Indian Economic Review, Vol.58, pp.433-456.
  • Rekha S, Varshini Neethi Mohan, Girija Vaidyanathan, Umakant Dash and V. R. Muraleedharan. “Wealth and education-related inequalities in the utilisation of reproductive, maternal, newborn, and child health interventions within scheduled tribes in India: an analysis of Odisha and Jharkhand”., BMC Public Health, (2024), 24:1605
  • Prinja S, Sharma A, Goyal A, Muraleedharan VR. “Does public spending reflect the need for health?: A cross-sectional analysis at district level in India”. Indian J Public Health 2024;68:44-49
  • Lieber J, Clarke L, Kinra S, Nadal I P, and Thampi, BV (2023). “Day and night people run after money … where is the time to spend chit-chatting with parents?”: Challenges of, and coping strategies for, supporting older relatives in adults of varied socioeconomic backgrounds in Tamil Nadu, India, SSM – Qualitative Research in Health, Volume 3. DOI:
  • Dayal Paleri and R. Santhosh. (2023). Elections can wait! Politics of Constructing Hindu Atmosphere in Kerala, South India. Modern Asian Studies.Pp1-33.
  • Dayal Paleri and R. Santhosh. (2023). Elections can wait! Politics of Constructing Hindu Atmosphere in Kerala, South India. Modern Asian Studies.Pp1-33.
  • (2023), Abraham, Santhosh and Susy Varughese, ‘Madras Kraals, Animal Labour and Veterinary Corps: Colonising Wild Elephants in British South India, Published online First in  – Labour History –
  • Mehrotra, Pallavi, Vyas, Vidhisha, and Naik, Pramod Kumar (2023) “Behavior of Capital and Risk under Basel Regulation: A simultaneous equation model study” Forthcoming in Global Business Review, Listed in ABDC, Indexed in Scopus. IF: 2.4.
  • Sreelakshmi,R.,Mandal, S.K.and Sadorsky,P., 2023. “Does the source of oil price shock matter for Indian sectoral stock returns? A time-frequency approach to analyse dynamic connectedness and spillovers”.  Applied Economics.
  • Radeef Chundakkadan, R., Subash S. (2023). The role of government support on E-commerce and firm innovation during pandemic crisis. Economic Analysis and Policy, 78,(6): 904-913.
  • Ketan Reddy K. & Subash S. (2023) Global value chains, productivity and markup: Evidence from India, International Review of Economics and Finance. doi:
  • Ketan Reddy, Subash S. (2023) Innovative efforts and export market survival: Evidence from an emerging economy, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Volume 186, Part A,
  • Aysha Iqbal Viswamohan (ed). Women Filmmakers in Contemporary Hindi Cinema: Looking through their Gaze. NY & London: Palgrave MacMillan (f2023).
  • In: Sreenath, V S, Anandita Pan and Punnya Rajendran (Eds.): Aesthetics in India: Transitions and Transformations. Hyderabad: Orient BlackSwan, 2023. pp 169-180
  • Sethy, S.S., Wright, G., and Salitrynski, M. (2023). “Teaching Ethics and Values Courses by Adopting ‘Ethics Bowl’ Strategies: A Case Study of an American Community College”, Community College Journal of Research and Practice.  [Scopus Indexed]
  • Muthuramalingam M.R., and V R Muraleedharan, “Patterns in the prevalence and wealth-based inequality of cervical cancer screening in India”, BMC Women’s Health,(2023) 23:337.
  • Irshad, C.V., Dash, U., Muraleedharan, V.R. “Healthy Ageing in Low and Middle-Income Countries; A Systematic Scoping Review” (June 2023) Journal of Health Management.
  • Neethi Mohan, V., Shirisha, P., Vaidyanathan, G. and Muraleedharan VR . “Variations in the prevalence of caesarean section deliveries in India between 2016 and 2021 – an analysis of Tamil Nadu and Chhattisgarh”. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth 23, 622 (2023).
  • Rekha S, Shirisha P, V R Muraleedharan, Girija Vaidyanathan, Umakanat Dash, “Wealth Inequalities in Nutritional Status among Tribal Under-5 Children in India: A Temporal Trend Analysis Using NFHS data of Jharkhand and Odisha States – 2006-21″, Dialogues in Health, 2023. Volume 2.
  • Shankar Prinja, V. R. Muraleedhran, Girija Vaidyanathan, “Financing Primary Health Care: Fiscal Federal Relations in India”, IIC Quarterly (June 2023), Special issue edited by Prof Srinath Reddy.
  • Akashdeep Singh Chauhan, Shankar Prinja, Sakthivel Selvaraj, Aditi Gupta, V.R.Muraleedharan and Thiagarajan Sundararaman, “Cost of delivering Primary Health Care Services through Public Sector in India” Indian Journal of Medical Research (accepted for publication).
  • Muthu Singaram, Muraleedhran VR & Sivaprakasam, M. (2023).Translational research in health care: A qualitative analysis of 24 case studies in India. Journal of Health Management (accepted for publication)
  • Thampi BV. (2022). India in focus: Women, technology, and the future of work. In Women and Work in Asia and the Pacific – Experiences, Challenges and Ways Forward, Jane Parker, Marian Baird, Noelle Donnelly, Rae Cooper (ed.). Massey University Press, Auckland.
  • Thampi BV. (2022). Book review: Anna Lindberg, Experience and Identity: A Historical Account of Class, Caste and Gender Among the Cashew Workers of Kerala, 1930 -2000, Review of Development and Change, 27(2): 284-86.
  • Santhosh and Emil Mathew. 2022. Social Reintegration of Released Prisoners: An Empirical Analysis from Two Indian States. International Annals of Criminology. Vol.59, Issue 2. pp-200-222. DOI:
  • (2022) Abraham, Santhosh and S.S.Mathew, ‘Becoming Coolies and Supervisors: Continued Indebtedness, coercive intermediaries and new Governmentalities in Colonial South Indian Plantations, 1830-1895’, Labour History, Vol.63, Issue: 2, 2022, pp.279-296.
  • Malakar, K., & Lu, C. (2022). Hydrometeorological disasters during COVID-19: Insights from topic modeling of global aid reports. Science of The Total Environment, 838, 155977. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.155977
  • Leal Filho, W., Wall, T., Mucova, S. A. R., Nagy, G. J., Balogun, A. L., Luetz, J. M., Ng, A.W., Kovaleva, M., Azam, F.M.S., Alves, F., Guevara, Z., Matandirotya, N.R., Skouloudis, A., Tzachor, A., Malakar, K. & Gandhi, O. (2022). Deploying artificial intelligence for climate change adaptation. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 180, 121662.
  • Shirisha, P., Muraleedharan, V.R., Vaidyanathan, G. Wealth related inequality in women and children malnutrition in the state of Chhattisgarh and Tamil Nadu (2022) BMC Nutrition, 8 (1), art. no. 86
  • Muraleedharan, V.R., Vaidyanathan, G., Thiagarajan, S., Dash, U., Rajesh, M., Ranjan, A. Better to Reflect Than Shoot the Messenger Learnings from NSS, 2017-18 (2022) Economic and Political Weekly, 57 (30), pp. 68-71.
  • Mokashi, T., Panigrahi, S., Raman, A.V., Muraleedharan, V.R., Chokshi, M. Priority Setting for Collaborative Health Systems Research in India: A Method and the Way Forward (2022) Journal of Health Management, 24 (1), pp. 14-21.
  • Shirisha, P., Vaidyanathan, G., Muraleedharan, V.R. Are the Poor Catching Up with the Rich in Utilising Reproductive, Maternal, New Born and Child Health Services: An Application of Delivery Channels Framework in Indian Context (2022) Journal of Health Management, 24 (1), pp. 87-104.
  • Irshad, C.V., Muraleedharan, V.R., Dash, U. Stakeholders’ Perspective on Working Towards a Healthy Ageing Society: Evidence from a Rapidly Ageing Context (2022) Journal of Population Ageing, .
  • Irshad, C.V., Dash, U., Muraleedharan, V.R. Healthy Ageing in Low and Middle-Income Countries; A Systematic Scoping Review (2022) Journal of Health Management, .
  • Chugh, Y., Bahuguna, P., Sohail, A., Rajsekar, K., Muraleedharan, V.R., Prinja, S. Development of a Health Technology Assessment Quality Appraisal Checklist (HTA-QAC) for India (2022) Applied Health Economics and Health Policy, .
  • Muthu Singaram, Muraleedhran VR& Sivaprakasam, M. (2022). Cross fertilisation of Public Health and Translational Research. Journal of the Indian Institute of Science
  • Naik, Pramod Kumar and Sethy Tapas Kumar (2022) “Stock returns, trading volumes, and market volatility: A study on the Indian stock market”, The Indian Economic Journal, 70 (3): 406-416. Listed in ABDC (B-category), indexed in UGC-CARE group I, Sage publications,
  • Kahn, S., Mandal, S. K., Rajan, S.C., 2022. “Risk communication and capacity-building: A case study on framing CBA strategies of artisanal fishing communities to sea-level rise using BASIEC”, Climate Service, Vol. 26, April 2022 (Elsevier).
  • Sreelakshmi, R., Sinha, A., Mandal, S.K., 2022. “COVID-19 related uncertainty, investor sentiment stock return in India”, Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. 57, No.35.
  • Kujur, S.K., & Goswami, D. (2022). Do comprehensive labor measures reduce the severity of the pandemic? Evidence from India. International Journal of Social Economics. ID:
  • Goswami, D., & Kujur, S.K. (2022). Employment inequality in India during the pandemic. Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion: An International Journal. ID:
  • Ketan Reddy, Subash S, Nadia Doytch (2022) Outward foreign direct investment and domestic innovation efforts: Evidence from India, Journal of Economics and Business.
  • Radeef Chundakkadan, Subash Sasidharan, Rajesh Raj S N (2022) Small Firms amidst COVID-19: Financial Constraints and Role of Government Support, Economic Notes,  DOI: 10.1111/ecno.12206
  • Ketan Reddy, Subash Sasidharan, Shandre Thangavelu (2022) Does Servicification of Manufacturing Increase the GVC Activities of Firms? Case of India, The World Economy.
  • Renjith Ramachandran & Subash Sasidharan (2022): Country of origin and industry FDI agglomeration of MNEs: evidence from India, Transnational Corporations Review.DOI: 10.1080/19186444.2022.2082226
  • Sasidaran Gopalan, Ketan Reddy, Subash Sasidharan (2022) Does Digitalization Spur Global Value Chain Participation? Firm-Level Evidence from Emerging Markets,  Information Economics and Policy.
  • Ketan Reddy, Subash S. (2022). Servicification and global value chain survival: Firm-level evidence from India. Australian Economic Papers, 1–19.
  • Avishek Parui & Nishtha Pandey (2022). Do not shoot, I’m a B–b–british object!”: Reading David Malouf in Indian universities. Journal of Postcolonial Writing, Taylor and Francis, 58 (1). Doi:
  • Raj, Merin Simi. This foul substance is called history: Anglo-Indian memory narratives and (mis)remembrances in Sealy’s the Trotter-nama. Media Watch, Sage. Vol 13, No. 2, 2022.
  • Tripathy, Jyotirmaya. “Picturing Development: Outdoor Campaign Materials during 2019 General Election in India”. South Asia: Journal of South Asian Studies. Vol. 45, No. 4, 2022. Pp. 686-705.
  • Khatun, Hena & Tripathy, J. “India’s Experiment with Community Development: Revisiting the State and Community”. Journal of Global South Studies. Vol. 39, No. 1, 2022. Pp. 33-56.
  • Tripathy, J. “Development Science: Linking Postcoloniality and Indian Institutes of Technology”. South Asia Research. Vol. 42, No. 2, 2022, Pp. 159-176.
  • Rajamony, K. & Tripathy, J. “Namma Chennai: the Dravidian City and its Others in Tirumurti’s Fiction”. South Asian Review. Forthcoming.
  • Tripathy, J. & Mahaprashasta, J.S. “Between People and the State: The Ambivalence of Prime Minister’s Rural Development Fellowship in India”. Journal of South Asian Development. Vol. 17, No. 2, 2022. Pp. 178-194.
  • Sreenath, V S and Chandran, Mini. “Kāvyaśāstra and Creative Freedom In Pre-Modern India”. Economic and Political Weekly. Vol.57 (3), 2022. 48-54.
  • Sreenath, V.S . “The Dharmic Function of Sanskrit Kāvya: Poetry as a Suggestive Force.” Journal of Dharma Studies (Springer). Vol 5 (1), 2022. 1-16.
  • Sreenath, V S. “Dissent, Debate and Vegetative Existence: Sanskrit Poetics and Nationalist Trend.” Economic and Political Weekly. Vol 57(41), 2022. (Forthcoming)
  • Nishant, K., and Sethy, S. S. (2022) “Cognizing an Object’s Universal Features for Its Identity: A Contemporary Debate between Nyāya and Buddhism”, Philosophia. Forthcoming. [Scopus Indexed]
  • Prasad V, Thampi BV (2021). Gender ideology and gendered political dynamics shaping electoral fortunes of women politicians in Kerala, India. Women’s Studies International Forum, Volume 84 (102437).
  • Shabna and K. Kalpana (2021) Re-making the self: Discourses of ideal Islamic womanhood in Kerala, Asian Journal of Women’s Studies, DOI: 10.1080/12259276.2021.2010907
  • Kipgen, Thanggoulen. (2021). Ethnography among Migrants in a City: Field Experiences in Delhi. Explorations, 5 (1), pp. 115-133.
  • Mani, V., & Krishnamurthy, M. (2021). The Work of Sporting Bodies: Football and Masculinity in North Kerala. Verge: Studies in Global Asias, 7(1), 147-169.
  • Santhosh and Dayal Paleri. 2021. Crisis of Secularism and Changing Contours of Minority Politics in India: Lessons from the Analysis of a Muslim Political Organization. Asian Survey. Vol.61. Issue 6. pp. 999–1027. DOI:
  • Naseef MK and R. Santhosh.2021. Waqf and Authority Dynamics: Reconfigurations of a Pious Institution in Colonial Malabar. Society and Culture in South Asia.   Volume 8, Issue 1. pp. 51-71. DOI:
  • S. Visakh, R. Santhosh and P. K. Mohammad Roshan.2021. “Islamic Traditionalism in a Globalising World: Sunni Muslim Identity in Kerala, South India”, Modern Asian Studies. Vol.55, Issue 6. pp.2046-2087. DOI:
  • Leal Filho, W., Wall, T., Mucova, S. A. R., Nagy, G. J., Balogun, A. L., Luetz, J. M., Ng, A.W., Kovaleva, M., Azam, F.M.S., Alves, F., Guevara, Z., Matandirotya, N.R., Skouloudis, A., Tzachor, A., Malakar, K. & Gandhi, O. (2022). Deploying artificial intelligence for climate change adaptation. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 180, 121662.doi: 10.1016/j.techfore.2022.121662
  • Malakar, K., Mishra, T., Vittal, H. & Karmakar, S. (2021). Risk mapping of Indian coastal districts using IPCC-AR5 framework and multi-attribute decision-making approach. Journal of Environmental Management, 294, 112948. doi: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2021.112948
  • Prinja S, Yashika Chugh, Kavitha Rajasekar and V.R.Muraleedharan (2021), “National Methodological Guidelines to Conduct Budget Impact Analysis for Health Technology Assessment in India”, Applied Health Economics and Health Policy (Online June 29, 2021).
  • (Co-authored), “Rising catastrophic expenditure on Households Due to Tuberculosis: Is India Moving Away from the End-TB Goal?”, Frontiers in Public Health, vol 9 (Feb 2021).
  • CV Irshad, Dash U and VR Muraleedharan (July 2021), “Healthy Ageing in India; A Quantile Regression Approach”, Journal of Population Ageing.
  • Naik, Pramod Kumar, Imlak Shaikh & Toan Luu Duc Huynh(2021) Institutional investment activities and stock market volatility amid COVID-19 in India, Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja, DOI: 1080/1331677X.2021.1982399 Indexed in, SSCI, SCOPUS, Taylor and Francis Publication.
  • Drall, A and Mandal, S.K. 2021.”Investigating the existence of entry barriers in rural non-farm sector(RNFS) employment in India: A theoretical modelling and an empirical analysis”, World Development, Vol.141, May 2021.
  • Radeef Chundakkadan, Subash S. (2021). Gender gap and access to finance: A cross-country analysis, Review of Development Economics.
  • Ketan Reddy and Subash S.  (2021) A Portrait of Global Value Chain Linkages of Indian Manufacturing, Journal of Asian Economic Integration.DOI: 10.1177/26316846211039419
  • Ketan Reddy, Subash S. (2021) Financial Constraints and Global Value Chain Participation: Evidence from India, Journal of International Trade and Economic Development.DOI: 10.1080/09638199.2021.1900343
  • Arfat Sofi, Subash S., M. Y Bhat (2021) Economic growth and club convergence: Is there a neighbour’s effect? International Journal of Finance & Economics.
  • Padmaja Mundakkad, Subash S (2021) Financing Constraints and Exports: Evidence from India, Journal of Economics and Finance, 45, 118-145.
  • Avishek Parui & Merin Simi Raj (2021). The COVID-19 crisis chronotope: The pandemic as matter, metaphor and memory. Memory Studies, Sage. Media coverage:
  • Raj, Merin Simi and Avishek Parui. “”they shared those bits of history”: Reading The Tainted as a transnational memory narrative”. International Journal of Anglo-Indian Studies, Vol.21, No.1, 2021. Pp. 15-37.
  • Vinayan, Sruthi and Merin Simi Raj. The Indulekha Moment and the Malayalam Literary Canon: On the Literary History of the Early Twentieth-century Novels in Kerala, South India. Rupkatha Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities. Vol. 13, No. 1, 2021. DOI: 21659/rupkatha.v13n1.37
  • Sudhakaran, S and Brahme, M. (2021) Aesthetics of Excess: The Singing and Dance of Pey in the folktales from Kaṟisial Kādu. Rupkatha Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities, 13(1). DOI:
  • Carol D Souza, Milind Brahme AND M. Suresh Babu. Environment Education in Indian Schools The Search for a New Language. Journal of Education for Sustainable Development 174-189, 2021. doi: 10.1177/0973408220978845
  • Brahma, S. & Kumar, R. (2021). The scalar interpretation of the additive focus particle *=Bv in select Boro-Garo languages. Journal of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society (JSEALS), 14.1, 73-91.
  • []
  • Monsang, S.F. & Kumar, R. (2021). Ergativity marking in Monsang. SKY Journal of Linguistics, 33, 49-66. []
  • ‘Towards Explainable Deep Learning for Automated Music Genre Classification’, Madhav, Shreyas., Paramashivan, Deepak., and Rajkumar, Arun., First Conference on Deployable AI, 2021.