Department of Humanities and Social Sciences

Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Sabuj Kumar Mandal

Associate Professor(Economics)

Teaching Interest

Teaching has always been a passion for me and one of the prime reasons for my joining at IIT Madras was to be involved in teaching the subjects of my preferred areas. I have been teaching a variety of courses like,

  • Environmental & Resource Economics (HS4330)
  • Econometrics I (HS4011)
  • Econometrics II (HS5350)
  • Applied Econometrics (HS6510)
  • Microeconomics II (HS5310)
  • Principles of Economics (HS3002)
Office Location
  • Room no – HSB 339
  • E-mail: sabuj[at]iitm[.]ac[.]in, sabujecon[at]gmail[.]com
  • Phone : +91 (44) 2257 4532
  • Editorial Board Member of Energy Policy (Elsevier)
  • Fulbright Nehru Academic and Professional Excellence Fellowship 2020-21 (research category)
  • Young Economist Award 2015 from The Indian Econometric Society (TIES) for my contribution in the field of quantitative economics.
  • Dr. D.M Nanjundappa Endowment Award for securing the highest score in the pre- Ph. D course work.
  • Fellowship from Sri Ratan Tata Trust (SRTT) foundation for carrying doctoral research during 2005-2009.

I was invited to give special talk and also as a resource person to teach Econometrics and Environmental Economics in the following institutes from time to time.

  • Asian Institute of Technology Bangkok: Invited talk on “impact of energy efficiency  on economic growth” on 4th June 2019
  • RBI Staff College, Chennai: To provide training in econometrics for RBI officers on several occasions.
  • Madras School of Economics: Advanced Econometrics for M.Sc economics students, Environmental Economics for the officers from Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board.
  • Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics: Certificate course on econometrics for
  • M.A. students also in a workshop organized jointly with the Indian Econometric Society.

At present, I have been involved in doing research in the following frontier areas of Energy & environmental Economics either individually or jointly with my doctoral students and with other colleagues.

  • Community based adaptation to climate change and the role of climate services
  • Behavioural energy and environmental economics
  • Economic valuation of ecosystem services
  • Biased Technological Progress and Energy Use Efficiency
  • Energy Finance
  • Growth and Environment
  • Trade and Environment
  • Financial sector development, economic growth and environmental degradation
  • Sreekumar, G. and Mandal S,K. (2025). Confidence or corruption? Assessing the impact of political connections on confidence in public institutions in India. Applied Economics Letters. (
  • Drall, A., & Mandal, S.K. (2025) Does Non-Farm Income Raise Farm Productivity? New Evidence from India (Accepted for publication in Journal of Development Studies)
  • Drall, A., & Mandal, S. K. (2025). Does multiple job holding raise labour use efficiency of the farm operators? Evidence from rural India. Applied Economics, 1–16.
  • Drall, A., & Mandal, S. K. (2024). Non-farm income and environmental efficiency of the farmers: Evidence from India. Heliyon, 10(10).
  • Sreekumar, G., & Mandal, S. K. (2024). Impact of drought on out-migration among rural farm households in India: does participation in non-farm activities and access to irrigation make any difference?. Indian Economic Review, 59(2), 525-558.
  • Sreekumar, G., Mandal, S. K., & Drall, A. (2024). Does local non-farm income moderate the intensity of climate change induced migration in India?. Journal of Policy Modeling, 46(6), 1125-1145.
  • Rakshit, I., & Mandal, S. K. (2024). Direction of Technical Change and Energy Efficiency: Empirical Evidences at the Global Level. Studies in Microeconomics, 23210222241265176.
  • Sreekumar, G., & Mandal, S. K. (2024). Impact of Social Connections on Flood-induced Migration Among Rural Agricultural Households: Empirical Evidence from India. Economics of Disasters and Climate Change, 8(3), 513–539.
  • Drall, A., & Mandal, S. K. (2024). Does multiple job holding raise labour use efficiency of the farm operators? Evidence from rural India. (Accepted for publication in Applied Economics)
  • Mandal, S. K. (2024). Evaluation of Energy and Environmental Efficiency of the Indian Thermal Power Plants in The Role of Coal in a Sustainable Energy Mix for India: A Wider-Angle View (Edited Book Chapter).
  • Nongbri,R.W. and Mandal,S.K., 2024.”An assessment of multidimensional water poverty in India: An application of Alkire–Foster dual cut‑off approach”.  Indian Economic Review, 58(2), pp.433-456.
  • Sreelakshmi,R.,Mandal, S.K.and Sadorsky,P., 2023. “Does the source of oil price shock matter for Indian sectoral stock returns? A time-frequency approach to analyse dynamic connectedness and spillovers”.  Applied Economics.
  • Kahn, S., Mandal, S. K., Rajan, S.C., 2022. “Risk communication and capacity-building: A case study on framing CBA strategies of artisanal fishing communities to sea-level rise using BASIEC”, Climate Service, Vol. 26, April 2022 (Elsevier).
  • Sreelakshmi, R., Sinha, A., Mandal, S.K., 2022. “COVID-19 related uncertainty, investor sentiment stock return in India”, Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. 57, No.35.​
  • Drall, A and Mandal, S.K. 2021.”Investigating the existence of entry barriers in rural non-farm sector(RNFS) employment in India: A theoretical modelling and an empirical analysis”, World Development, Vol.141, May 2021.
  • Chakravarty, D. and Mandal, S.K.2020. “Is economic growth a cause or cure for environmental degradation? Empirical evidences from selected developing economies”. Environmental and Sustainability Indicators (
  • Drall, A and Mandal, S.K. 2020. “Determinants of various modes of rural non-farm sector (RNFS) employment in SAT (semi-arid tropics) and Eastern regions of India: an empirical analysis”. Indian Economic Review (
  • Rakshit, I. and Mandal, S.K. 2020. “A global level analysis of environmental energy efficiency: An application of data envelopment analysis”. Energy Efficiency (
  • Chakravarty, D. and Mandal, S.K., 2019. “Environmental Kuznets curve for local and global pollutants: application of GMM and random coefficient panel data models”. Journal of Social and Economic Development (doi: 10.1007/s40847-019-00081-1).
  • Mandal, S.K. and Bhandari, A. K., 2019. “ Does win-win opportunity always result in pollution abatement? An application of directional distance function to Indian cement industry”. The Journal of Developing Areas (forthcoming in Summer 2020).
  • Rakshit, I., Drall, A., Maharatha, T., Mandal, S.K., 2019. “ Educational attainment and child labour status among disabled children in Tamil Nadu, India: An econometric analysis”, The Journal Of Developing Areas, Vol. 53, No.3.
  • Mandal S.K and Chakravarty D.,2018. “Role of energy in estimating turning points of Environmental Kuznets Curve: An econometric analysis of the existing studies”, Published online in Journal of Social and Economic Development (Springer publication),
  • Mandal S.K and Chakravarty D.,2016.“Is Environmental Kuznets Curve a universal phenomenon? An econometric analysis of the existing studies”, The Journal of Developing Areas, Vol 50, no 6, pp.261-27.
  • Bernard, J. and Mandal, S.K.,2016. “ The Impact of trade openness on environmental quality: an empirical analysis of emerging and developing economies”, WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, Vol.203, pp 195-209.
  • Sherif, R. and Mandal, S.K.,2016. “Energy Efficiency and the Rebound Effect: A Study of Indian Manufacturing Sector”, Energy: Expectations and Uncertainty, 39th IAEE, 2016.
  • Chakravarty, D. and Mandal, S.K.,2015.“Estimating the relationship between economic growth and environmental quality for the BRICS economies- a dynamic panel data approach”, The Journal of Developing Areas, Vol 50, No 5, pp 119-130.
  • Mandal, S.K. and Madheswaran, S., 2012. “Productivity growth in Indian cement industry: Panel estimation of stochastic production frontier”, Journal of Developing Areas, Vol. 46 No. 1 Spring 2012.
  • Mandal, S.K. and Madheswaran, S., 2011. “Energy use efficiency of Indian cement companies: A Data Envelopment Analysis”, Energy Efficiency, Vol.4, No.1, 57-73 (Springer Publication).
  • Mandal, S.K. and Madheswaran, S., 2010. “Environmental efficiency of the Indian cement industry: An interstate analysis”, Energy Policy 38(2), 1108-1118, (Elsevier Publication).
  • Mandal, S.K., 2010. “Do undesirable output and environmental regulation matter in energy efficiency analysis? Evidence from Indian cement industry”, Energy Policy 38(10), 6076-6083, (Elsevier Publication).
  • Mandal, S.K. and Madheswaran, S., 2010. “Causality between energy consumption and output growth in the Indian cement industry: An application of the panel vector error correction model”, Energy Policy 38 (11), 6560-6565 (Elsevier Publication).
  • Mandal, S.K., 2010. “Measuring environmental efficiency and cost of pollution abatement: An application of directional distance function to Indian cement industry”, South Asian Journal of Management, Vol.17, No.3, 23-37.
  • Khan, A.S., Mandal, S.K., Rajan, S.C. and Basu., D. (2019). BASIEC: A coastal climate service awareness framework for community-based adaptation to rising sea levels. Springer’s Handbook of Climate Services, Berlin, Germany (Accepted, scheduled to be published between June –Dec 2019).
  • Khan, A.S., Mandal, S.K., Rajan, S.C. and Basu., D. (2019). Chennai city and coastal hazards: Addressing community-based adaptation through the lens of climate change and sea-level rise. Springer’s Book on Climate Change and Natural Hazards, Berlin, Germany. (Accepted, scheduled to be published between June –Dec 2019).
  • Mandal, S.K. and Madheswaran, S., 2011. “Demand Side Aspect of Energy Security Problem: A Study of Indian Cement Industry” in INDIA AND RUSSIA: Problems in Ensuring Energy Security (Academic Foundation).
  • Role of risk perception and time preference in community based adaptation to climate change. Ongoing.
  • Behavioural failures and energy efficiency policies. Ongoing.
  • Impact of energy use efficiency on economic growth: An application panel quantile regression model to global data. (Jointly with Ipsita Rakshit). Under Review.
  • Direction of Technical Change and Energy Use Efficiency: Empirical Evidences from Emerging Economies (Jointly with Ipsita Rakshit). Under Review.
  • Does entry barriers exist in rural non-farm sector employment in India: A theoretical modelling and empirical estimation (Jointly with Anviksha Drall). Under Review.
  • Does firm-performance matter while going for the public in emerging economies: Evidence from India. Under Review.
  • Devleena Chakravarty (RollNo: HS14D001), Revisiting the nexus between economic growth and environmental quality: A methodological perspective. Awarded in July, 2017.
  • Ipshita Rakshit (RollNo: HS15D030), Interlinkages between energy efficiency, environment and productivity: A global level analysis, Awarded in August, 2020
  • Anviksha Drall (HS16D021), Determinants of rural non-farm sector employment and its impact on farm production: A study in semi-arid tropics (sat) and eastern regions of India, Awarded in September 2021
  • Sreelakshmi R (HS18D024), Oil price shocks and the Indian stock market: An empirical analysis, Awarded in April 2023.
  • Rida Wanbha Nongbri (HS19D026), Climate change, water poverty and female labor force participation: An empirical analysis in India, Thesis submitted.
  • Gauri Sreekumar (HS20D005), Climate change, migration and wellbeing of farm households in India: An empirical analysis, Thesis submitted.
  • Atul Ghorpade (HS20D018), Corporate Social Responsibility and Firm performance: Evidence from India, Seminar-I completed.
  • Aryama Sarkar (HS21D004) Climate change, groundwater irrigation and water use efficiency: An empirical study in India, Seminar-I completed.
  • Sreshtha Mukherjee (HS23D013) Climate change and energy poverty, Completed coursework.
  • Tanurima Brahma (HS24D005) Trade and Environment, ongoing coursework.
  • Aporupa Sengupta (HS24D021) Firm’s Adaptation to Climate Risks, ongoing coursework
  • Dr. Saleem Khan (Post doctoral fellow), Community based adaptation to climate change, Successfully completed in 2022 one year with one journal publication and two book chapters.
  • Title of the Project: Economic Cost of Environmental Degradation Related to Municipal Solid Waste and its Restoration: A Study in Aizawl
    • Sponsoring Agency: Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change
    • Value of the Project: Rs. 12,00000
    • Duration: 1 year
    • My role: PI
  • Title of the Project: Climate Change Impacts on Coastal Infrastructure and the Adaptation Strategies – Centre of Excellence
    • Sponsoring Agency: Department of Science & Technology
    • Value of the Project: Rs. 8,60,20,338
    • Duration: 5 years (23.03.2018 to 22.03.2023)
    • Principal Investigator: Dr. Sannasiraj S A (Dept. of OEC)
    • My role: As a Co-investigator, I will collaborate with my other colleagues from several engineering departments of IIT Madras. While my engineering colleagues will be focusing on climate modelling, I will be mainly concentrating on risk perception and adaptation to climate change by the coastal communities and the role of existing institutions in facilitating adaptation.
  • Title of the Project: Resilience–informed decision support framework for sustainability transitions in the developing world: Incorporating Sustainable Urban Drainage System (SuDS) into the peri-urban areas in Brazil and India (RESoURce@Brandia)
    • Sponsoring Agency: Anglia Ruskin University (ARU) Global Research Challenges Fund
    • Value of the project: £ 40,460
    • Duration: 1 year (June 2019-May 2020)
    • Principle Investigator: Dr. Maryam Imani (ARU)
    • Co-investigators: Dr. Lakshmi Rajendran (ARU), Dr. Sabuj Kumar Mandal (IITM)
  • Does entry barrier exist in non-farm employment in India? A theoretical modeling and empirical analysis (Jointly with Anviksha Drall). The 10th RMUTP International Conference on Science, Economic Modelling Special Session, Bangkok, 4th -5th June 2019.
  • Impact of energy use efficiency on economic growth: A Panel quantile regression approach (Jointly with Ipsita Rakshit). The 10th RMUTP International Conference on Science, Economic Modelling Special Session, Bangkok, 4th -5th June 2019.
  • BASIEC: A coastal climate service awareness framework for community-based adaptation to rising sea-level (jointly with Saleem Khan). International Symposium on Disaster Resilience and Sustainable Development, Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand, Bangkok, 7th -8th March, 2019.
  • Chennai city and coastal hazards: Addressing community-based adaptation through the lens of climate change and sea-level rise (jointly with Saleem Khan). International Symposium on Climate change and natural hazards: Coping with and managing hazards in the context of climate change. University of Padova, Padova, Italy, 25th -26th February, 2019.
  • Energy Economics (Elsevier Science)
  • Journal of Developing Areas
  • Energy Policy (Elsevier Science)
  • Energy Efficiency (Springer)
  • European Journal of Operational Research (Elsevier Science)
  • Journal of Social and Economic Development
  • Economic Modelling
Membership in professional organizations
  • American Economic Association
  • East Asian Association of Environmental and Resource Economics
  • The Indian Econometric Society
  • Association of Indian Management Schools